Lori had her mini surgery yesterday afternoon and was done by about 6:30 pm. All went well but we’re not sure how well it worked. Guess we need to wait a bit. It was a tricky procedure and on the left side while an injection was going in, she temporarily lost her hearing on one side and her eye went from fuzzy to dark. This shows you how much our spinal cord is the lifeline to everything in our bodies. She was awake the whole time so she could hear Dr Evans talking through the procedure.
Of course due to that great program called Obama Care, we had to switch insurance again as we do every year. With it being December 2nd, even though we have insurance, we don’t yet have our new cards and numbers. We had to cancel the CT Scan unless we wanted to pay $4000. The procedure she had was actually $17,000 and any other person would have had to pay that out of pocket but they let us slide. We finally found someone at the insurance company that said they’re 90% sure we’re covered. We’d better be, otherwise we’re out $17K and that’s with Dr Evans not charging us his fees! Let’s hope it worked as you might remember we paid $3K two weeks ago for the facet injections. (you’re all probably getting homemade gifts for Christmas, ha)
Dixie will be coming here for Christmas as long as her doctor says it’s ok, maybe even this week. Lori and her will have to figure things out next week when she’s in California. I talked with her yesterday and she sounded ok. With Lori going in for surgery (assuming the CT Scan next Friday shows Dr C what he needs to see), it’ll be good to have Dixie here.
The boys want to go skiing today but first need to clean their rooms and we need to get a tree. I’d like to go to the gym as Lori and I have both been stress eating as Lori calls it. Cold weather and temperatures are coming. We’re used to it and fine with it but it’ll be cold. We’re more worried about my Mom in Denver as she doesn’t like the cold like we do. Ty needs a new ski coat and ski pants bad as he’s grown out of his outfit from last year. Here’s a chance for one of you to get him something he needs for Christmas!
Guess I’ll run, glad we’re not in Sin City (Vegas) as we were supposed to be, have a good weekend. GB