The Gala

Tonight is the school’s annual fundraiser which we’re supposed to go to. Not sure we’ll make it, we have a lot to do and I had a sinus headache all day yesterday. It was one of those headaches you could feel in your teeth. We should probably try to make it to hang with some parents. It’s a big shakedown starting with $30 parking at the Ritz and then a silent and live auction and a Paddle Match where they expect every single family to pledge some money and then some wealthy family will match it up to $100,000.00. That right there is enough of a reason to stay home!

Yesterday I took Jag to the doctor in Frisco to have an ingrown toenail cut out. It’s a pretty painful thing as they need to numb up your toe before cutting the nail out. Imagine a needle being stuck into your big toe a bunch of times. Once the numbness wears off, then it hurts again. After that we headed to the grocery store and then down to Costco before heading home. By then I needed to go get Ty from school. When we were driving home we were in awe of the beauty of the mountains we’re lucky enough to live in.

Today we need to tackle Ty’s room as that’s all that’s left in our mini makeover. Lori didn’t walk through the door until about 7pm even though Dr. C is in Moab as it was only her and Sarah at work yesterday to schedule all the surgeries and return all the calls.

We’re all so sick of politics. This has been the most taxing, depressing and ugly campaign I’ve ever seen. Again yesterday the Trump headquarters in Denver was vandalized. Once again you have democrats defacing and destroying anything republican. Funny how it’s always the democrats that are so mad and destructive. There so much angrier than republicans. That right there should tell you something. Even the kids noticed after watching tv asking “how come people always destroy Trump stuff and nobody destroys Hillary stuff”? Anyone out there have a good answer? If so, let us know. GB

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