Here we go, it’s downhill from here through the end of the year. After the election, (can’t wait till that’s over) we’ll have Thanksgiving and then a birthday or two and then Christmas. After Christmas, you blink and it’s 2017!
Last night Ty went to Rachel’s to go in search of even more candy while Jag headed into town for a party at Marcella’s. We picked Ty up around 8:30 as he has school today and Jag made it home around 10:30 as he’s off today.
I had my MRI yesterday and today will know more. It could just be a bone bruise but we’ll wait until one of the docs weighs in. Lori managed to get me in with 30 minutes notice as someone cancelled. She sure looked cute yesterday dressed up as a cowgirl. She was going for a female Clint Eastwood with my poncho, a gun belt and a nerf gun, but I’m not sure anyone picked up on that. She did wear my dads hat and boots in a fitting tribute to him. It’s funny but she is often wearing some of his cowboy boots. She said they are the most comfortable boots she’s ever worn. The boots he wore were always good boots so they should be comfortable. She just came down and said one of the girls at the hospital was whistling the theme from The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, which is a famous Clint Eastwood movie.
Now to Hillary, just 6 weeks ago the dems were all praising the Director of the F B I but now are tearing him apart. This just shows you how they’ll say anything at anytime as long as it suits their agenda. People, let’s remember, this is a democratic administration! Even pres Obama came out yesterday and said he’s a man of integrity. That doesn’t help Hillary. Hill should go down as her campaign is unravelling day by day. We also found out the Dept of Justice blocked the investigation into the Clinton Foundation. Is anyone surprised? I could go on and on as there’s so much that has come out about her, her campaign people, and how they cheated and lied to get what they want. This lady cannot be President, period. By the way, this all came out as tons of F B I agents vowed to resign if the facts were not brought out. She’s in big trouble. This is the first time in history a Presidential candidate has ever been under Federal investigation while running for Pres. The Clintons keep complaining that the Russians hacked their email to try to deflect from what the emails themselves say! Who cares how it came out? Also the head of the Democratic National Committee had to resign from CNN yesterday as it came out that she was secretly giving Hillary the questions that were in the debates before the debates! Are you kidding me? What if Trump did this? They’d crucify him! What a double standard. Hopefully the American people will finally see through this crap. How can anyone support her now that all this has come out? Thankfully she’s hemorrhaging support hour by hour. The only way she wins is if the votes are rigged or the election is stolen. Hold on though as Hill will do anything to try to get into power.
Oh and by the way, check this out, Clinton and the Dems are already suing in 4 States over the outcome of the election, what? Yup, you heard me right, unbelievable.
WASHINGTON, Oct 31 (Reuters) – Democratic Party officials sued Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in four battleground states on Monday, seeking to shut down a poll-watching effort they said was designed to harass minority voters in the Nov. 8 election.
God help us if she wins.