Warm weather

It’s unseasonably warm this week but it will come. Cooler air is moving in next week and the record warmth will soon be gone. Lori and I had a good day yesterday but she wasn’t feeling too good as they have her on a cocktail of medicine to try to calm down her neck. She’s not sure what’s worse, the headache or how crummy she feels on steroids. Hopefully both will go away soon.

It’s “eom” meaning end of the month so I’m scrambling to get in as many orders as I can and then get them packed and put on container ships. There’s always this big pressure at the end of the month.

I need to get some stuff down to storage today and bring back some other stuff. We decided to move Jag’s room from one room to the open area in the basement as he needs more room. We’re also taking out one bed from Ty’s room and putting his desk in his room. We have to try to organize things around here a bit better to maximize our small space. We also think we’re going to move out our giant couch and bring back a table and four chairs so we actually have a place where the four of us can sit down for a meal. Right now we just eat at the counter and usually one of us is standing, not good for a family atmosphere.

Time to run as it’s 6:15. Have a great day, be safe and vote Republican. If you believe Hillbilly will win, which it looks like she will, then you must vote Republican so we have a balance in govt. Having all the same party is not good for anyone! GB

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