
Yesterday here in the mountains, we had a little snow. Nothing stuck on the ground but nevertheless, it snowed. Today Ty has a day long party. Jag, Lori and I are going to go to the shooting range and then hit Costco.

Yesterday both Lori and I were in Denver, albeit in separate cars. We made it home within 20 minutes of each other with me arriving first. Ty’s Field Day was called off an hour early due to the snow as all the kids were in shorts. He was on the Orange Team meaning he sprayed his hair orange to go along with his orange shorts and shirt. His scalp is still orange. I think he somehow turned his legs orange too! Jag skipped cross country as it was too cold to run. This was a bit surprising to me as in Georgetown on the other side of the pass, it was 75 degrees and sunny when I was driving home. Lori said when she came through the tunnel, it was a white out on the west side. That’s Colorado for ya!

Once again, the colors are amazing. Time to run as we’re headed to the gym and Ty needs to be at the Bah Mitzvah at 9:30. It’s also an electronics free weekend in our house, and that goes for all of us except for a few work emails. We’ll let you know how that goes! Have a great day, God Bless.

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