Biblical Events

Did anyone see the dust storm in Phoenix? It truly looked like something out of a movie, something of biblical proportion. I guess trees were toppled and power knocked out, sure hope everyone’s ok. Today we’re supposed to get heavy rain in the afternoon. This morning we’ll have all the wine delivered and I’ll try to get as much boxed and ready to ship as possible. The misses works today instead of tomorrow as we’re supposed to go to lunch for Aunt B’s birthday so she switched days, good timing huh. I have about 80 cases to re-box and ship fed ex around the country which will be quite a challenge. On top of that I pulled some kind of muscle in my upper back but no worries, I’ll just work through it.

Not sure where to go from here, let’ see, Casey Anthony is not guilty (everyone is shocked but I didn’t watch the trial so I don’t know whether to be shocked or not), Obama says now is the time to get serious about the debt ceiling crisis, (nothing like now getting serious with the deadline in 3 weeks, glad he could squeeze it in between campaign fund raisers), Jim Rogers, the well respected investor/economist for decades warns of the World running out of food in a few years if production is not ramped up worldwide right away, and on top of it all, we bought a $39 microwave yesterday at Home Depot, whoo hoo! Now which do you think is the most important to our family, the microwave of course!

Oh well, enough musings on what’s going, too much work to do in our little corner of the World. The oldest heads out to swim team in about 10 minutes with the little guy following 2 hours later. It’ll be good for them (and us) to get their morning exercise routine going again. The littlest one wants his own room so we’ll clean out the playroom and have to get him a new bed before school starts in 6 weeks. (he’s grown out of his little bed) Both boys want to paint their rooms for a new fresh feeling which will help get both rooms cleaned up which is way past due. In addition we’ll have to plan now for new clothes for both so time to start watching for the back to school sales. We also get hit for about $300 in supplies for both boys because the schools can no longer pay for pencils, markers, glue, paper and the other essentials the kids need. Funny how our school taxes keep going up but every year we have to spend more and more out of our own pockets, hmmmm.

Mom’s back from dropping off the oldest at swim team, she’ll be heading out to give the dog his shot soon. The other day she and I were reviewing where we’re at being half way through the year. On debt, we’re doing pretty well and on schedule. As far as playing more with the boys, we’re also ahead of the game but do need to work on our tone and delivery, that’s the new mantra around here for the whole family, “tone and delivery”. It’s funny when one of the boys stops you mid sentence and says “Mom or Dad, tone and delivery, tone and delivery”. We of course turn the tables on them too and it seems to be helping us all as it gives a pause to think during the conversation. Last but not least is the misses and my physical makeover. This is one area where we’re determined to turn the tables around right away. It seems that while concentrating on debt and the kids, we’ve somewhat neglected ourselves which stops today! We’re both wired as all in type people meaning we need to go at something 100% or we don’t really follow through. Although this approach is more difficult, you see results faster so look out World, here we come.

Well, enough for today as it’s time to run, in closing I came across the following quote yesterday which is pretty simple but true so here you go,

“Dost thou value life? Then do not squander time, for time is the stuff life is made of.” – Benjamin Franklin

Take care and God Bless

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