
Not much else you can say about Denver. We left Vail around 7am and made it to Cherry Creek by 9. I dropped Lori and headed down south to Cabela’s to do a few trades involving my favorite hobby. By the time I made it back to Lori after a few more stops, it was a bit after 11. When Lori finished around noon, we walked a block or two to one of her favorite stores that was having a sale. She picked up 3 casual dresses and a top for less than what one dress would normally cost her. We’re getting excited to go on vacation!

Next up we met up with Tina and Jeff who are going with us to Italy, for lunch to discuss some last minute details. By the time lunch was over and after a stop at the beauty supply, it was after 2:30. We had Dr. C’s wine tasting party at 6 so straight up the hill we went. We hit traffic which was unexpected at that time of day. Finally around 4:30 we made it home.

Around 6:30 we arrived at the party. It was fun and we mingled and talked with everyone for a couple hours. We didn’t drink but still had fun. It’s almost 7am now and Lori and I are going to take Mojo for a hike while it’s still cool. It must be in the high 40’s or low 50’s which is just about perfect. Denver was a mess and it’s good to be back in the bubble. That’s what we call it up here, the bubble, as it’s somewhat isolated from the problems of the Country and World, at least on the surface.

There were a lot of comments in the past few days about what’s going on in our Country. Glad to see you all are reading and more importantly, paying attention. Just to be straight, we don’t believe the police or groups like Black Lives Matter, or even the politicians and the President are blameless. All are complicant and are doing things to make matters worse. The problem is some people don’t want to solve our issues and live peaceful lives. Some, like the Pres and BLM (Black Lives Matter) have their own agendas and are using the tragedies over the past week to push their ideology. The Pres and the democrats use every act of violence to go after guns. Yesterday he pushed the idea of a Federal Police Force, which is a clear violation of the Constitution. But he doesn’t care. This guy in Dallas was a veteran who also was a felon who legally couldn’t own guns but the Pres wants to take away rights from all legal gun owners. And wait, the guy in Dallas did not,let me repeat myself, did not, have an AR15 assault rifle. Turns out it was a Chinese SKS from 1940 that took 10 round stripper clips meaning it doesn’t even have a magazine, which is nowhere near what the Pres. is talking about. They kept that little detail quiet now, didn’t they, as it wouldn’t help them push their anti-gun agenda. Hillary again blamed white people, expanding on her comments that it’s all our fault and that WE need to change, good God. One more question, why isn’t our govt. investigating Dallas as a hate crime? Anytime a black person or muslim is even punched, it’s a hate crime! The guy in Ft Hood Texas who shot 13 people yelling Allah Akbar was called workplace violence? Yet 5 dead police officers, who were white, were shot in Dallas by a black guy, saying he wanted to kill white people, and yet, this isn’t a hate crime? This is just another example of our Pres and his administration calling things what they want to call them for their own political advantage. Hell, it took a democratic reporter shaming Hillary to get her to say islamic radical terrorism and even then she only did that for votes. And then BLM advocates going after more cops and white people, nice. Last night they threw molotov cocktails and bottles and rebar at police in Minnesota. Hold on people, it’s not over.

Now up here in the bubble, we get along with just about everybody. Occasionally there’s someone who had a bit too much to drink or some crime down valley but for the most part, not much. I saw on the news this morning about a standoff with the police and a guy in Lakewood, where we used to live, who shot two people! In another part of town there was also a police shooting. It’s now a daily occurrence, not good. So in closing, yes there’s economic and social disparity in our Country. Yes there’s racism and  some police shouldn’t be policemen. But what irks me the most is people in power exploiting situations like those of last week for their own agenda. Mark my words, the powers that be will manipulate and use any and all tragedies to continue to take our rights away. They want to divide us as a people and a Country and we can’t let them do it. We must stand up to the social and racial divides they’re pushing to achieve goals totally unrelated. Hillary is dying to keep this subject alive as she just had the worst week ever and doesn’t want to go back to talking about her lying and emails. Elites want to distract from how bad the economy is and change the subject and the govt (Pres and dems) want your guns as they know a citizenry without arms is controllable and easier to suppress. Everyone should be outraged at the suggestion of a Federal Police Force as that’s exactly what Hitler did almost a century ago. And is was all done in the name of being good for the people. When will people understand that anything the govt says or does in the name of being “good for the people”, is actually not good for the people but rather only good for the ones proposing it. Show me one instance where a Constitutional right has been suppressed or taken away from the people that was actually good for them. I’ll save you some time today, you won’t find one, God Bless.

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