Day in Denver

Yesterday Ty and I left at 7am for Denver to deliver some wine to a sales rep from Boulder. We made it down around 8:30 and stopped at Target as Ty needed some new clothes desperately. After that it was downtown for a few more stops before our rendezvous with our rep. Then it was back to the mall for some more clothes for Ty from his favorite store that wasn’t open at 8:30. Next up was the dry cleaners, Barnes and Noble for the boys summer reading books, and Whole Foods for some lunch and a few other stops. We also hit Petsmart for some dog food. The bags of dog food are now 6 pounds lighter, or 20% less and $50 instead of $42 or 20% more! That’s a big swing in cost. I don’t know why I’m surprised as everything is going up. Normally companies just shrink the size or raise the price one at a time, not both at the same time! I guess the days of trying to fool the consumer are over.

Then Ty decided he wanted to invite his friend Jack up for a few days. Tomorrow I need to go to the airport to pick up some wine samples being flown in (which means I’m back in Denver) so I agreed to let him come up for a couple nights.

We finally headed up the hill sometime after 2:30 and stopped in Frisco for some groceries. That put us home a bit after 5pm. Lori made it home an hour later and she and I just sat on the couch, looking at each other not believing how tired we were.

Today she has a dinner with 10 people after work about a spine seminar she’s putting together. I have some computer work to do but will need to get the kids outside somewhere today. It was really hot in Denver and nice to get back up in the mountains. I’m going to the gym this morning and I’m sure all three boys will still be sleeping when I get home. Guess I’ll run, time to get moving as it’s almost 7am. Hope you all are well, GB.

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