It’s 5:17 and I’m up early so I can get to the gym before work. It’s pleasantly cool out right now, somewhere in the 40’s. Ty has horse camp and Lori has a big day as it’s Dr. C’s first day back from his two week Hawaiian vacation. They have 4 surgeries on the books and a bunch of appointments squeezed in between each one. 3 weeks from today we leave for Italy and in 3 days, I’ll close out the first 6 months of the year at work.
Last night we cooked dinner for our good friends who are moving to Australia on Wednesday. They were very thankful and we’ll probably see them tomorrow night before they leave. Sue was the person who not only played a big part in Lori getting her job but also was the one to take us under her wing and introduce us to everyone when we moved to the valley. We’ll all miss them, especially Lori. The goodbye was tearful as one would expect. The girls are already making plans for us to visit Noosa which is about 10 hours north of Sydney sometime probably next year. We’re all booked up this year but maybe they’ll make it back for a visit.
Yesterday there was a big brawl at the Capitol in Sacramento where 7 to 10 people were stabbed. I only mention this as I wonder if the dems will now want to outlaw knives! I hate to keep pounding on the dems as they do have some good qualities like their support for education, however in every civilized country in the World where liberals are in charge, the place is a mess. I seriously don’t know how anyone can support Hillary when every established politician, which she epitomizes, for as long as you can remember, have done nothing for the people. They’re all, on both sides, only interested in keeping themselves in power. How about the democratic senator who this weekend said only politicians and their people should be allowed to have guns! Are you kidding me? So let’s get this straight, they think that only they should be able to protect themselves. People, there’s a reason our founders wrote the 2nd Amendment into our Constitution, and it’s not to protect the elites, but quite the opposite. I have to go to the gym now as I’m getting myself too upset just thinking about the joke of an election we have before us. God help us, and God Bless.