What a change, my smile that is. I made it to the dentist a bit after 8 as I had to go back after dropping the kids to get some headphones and my Ipod. Thankfully I did as this blocked out the drilling sound and made the time go fast. 4 and 1/2 hours later I was done. I have to say, I look pretty good. Right now I have temporary teeth in while my porcelain veneers are being custom made. I go back this afternoon so they can adjust them. I think the length is a little long on one or two teeth. It’s quite advanced how they do this these days. Lots of pictures, digital scans, an artist (to make the teeth and get the color right) and other hi tech procedures. It’s pretty amazing, anyhow overall, I’m really happy.
Today Lori has a 7am meeting and I’m off to Denver to get the car serviced. Jag has a sore throat, probably from being on a plane. It’s warming up but next week we are supposed to get some days with rain and snow mix before it really starts getting warmer. It’s 5:45 right now so I’d better get moving. Tom and I are hanging out this morning while the car gets serviced. Hope all’s well, GB, and Happy Birthday to Serena, Lori’s sister!
“We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.” – Aesop