I made it to school around 2:45 and the van with the kids had just returned from the mountains. I spotted Jag and called over to him and as he was walking towards the car, I thought to myself, he looks a couple years older. Now he was only gone 3 days but that’s a long time in “parent time” when you see your kids every minute of every day. He had a great time and I guess it was mostly sunny as they were so high (about 12,000 feet) that they were above the snow and wind. It did take them 6 hours to climb and ski to the hut on the first day as apparently there were some kids that were really slow. I guess 2 girls threw up on the way as they combination of the altitude and the workout took its toll. Along on the trip was an avalanche expert that did a few side trips with the boys teaching them about snow and avalanches. All in all he and the group had an awesome time. We never had anything like this when we grew up but then again, we went to public school. Say what you will about the cost of private school but it’s well worth it when you see how your kids grow and change throughout the year.
Lori worked until a bit after 6pm. She has a lot going on and personally handles the high roller international patients. She has one from Mexico, Jamaica, Canada and I think Australia or New Zealand flying in for surgery. These people are all self pays meaning they don’t use insurance, but when you’re in constant pain, I can understand. When Lori was having her 3 year headache, I would have given my right arm to cure her and I know she would have given much more!
Popcorn is home on medicine and I guess doing well. Monday she’ll go to a dog cardiologist for an electro cardiogram. I told my Mom it’s just like a person. This should be a reminder to stay as healthy as you can, although Popcorn’s problem was hereditary. Hopefully she’ll be ok.
I was going to try to go to Denver today to see my Mom but it looks pretty snowy down there so maybe I’ll go down Monday or Tuesday. We need to get a storage unit up here to clean out the garage a bit. If it warms up today and I can find one, maybe I’ll get on that. We also need to do a deep clean on the house so we have that going for us as well. Guess I’ll run, everyone is still sleeping and it’s 7:30am. It’s sunny up here and Spring is on the way. Have a great weekend and God Bless.