Yesterday Lori’s office pretty much took the day off for their annual ski day. Lori and 2 of the girls went cross country skiing while the rest of the office went downhill skiing. One girl, Kristin, was in the hospital with pneumonia. This is a fun, bonding, team building day for the staff. Lori and 2 of the girls did go in for a few hours mid day to return some phone calls. The boys and I met up with them all at the Red Lion for Apres Ski around 4:45.
Today Jag heads out on his hut trip until Friday. It snowed about 4 inches last night so they’ll have lots of fresh powder to skin up the hill in. Skins are pieces of fabric you strap on the bottom of your skis so you don’t slip backwards when climbing uphill.
It’s supposed to warm up next week but the snow could come back. Lori needs to be at work at 7am so I’d better start warming up her car and cleaning off all the snow. Hope everyone is well, have a great day and God Bless.