Happy Birthday Mom!

HB83, that’s what Ty wrote on Grandma’s card as it stands for Happy Birthday, 83 years old! Quite the accomplishment, 83 years old. Here’s to another 20 or so for ya!

We made it to Denver by about 10am and proceeded to get some things done before meeting up with Tom, Ali and Mom for lunch at La Loma, our favorite mexican restaurant. Lori went on a long walk, (probably 7 or 8 miles) with her friend Andrea and will for sure be paying for it today. She was already sore last night or I guess before she even finished the walk!

We barely made it home as they closed the highway right after we made it through. Semis’ and cars were spun out all over the place with the snow blowing sideways. Then at Frisco we noticed that they also closed the highway to Denver as well. We made it over Vail pass just in time as it was getting pretty dicey there too. This morning we have 5 or 6 inches but the main storm is supposed to arrive tonight. We stopped for essentials (groceries) on the way home. We’re usually pretty stocked up and could go a month or more if we had to but picked up fresh veggies, milk and other perishables. Today I’ll put a locally raised  chuck roast in the crock pot and finish it off this afternoon with carrots, potato’s and celery. I’m cooking it in a little red wine and fresh bison stock. (buffalo to those of you who don’t know the difference) Everyone is still sleeping but Mojo. Guess I’ll run to clean up a bit. Hope Mom has a great day. We bought her some new tennis shoes which seem to fit and will hopefully work out for her. Take care and God Bless.

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