That’s what they call today in England and Canada, the day after. Here’s the official explanation.
Boxing Day is a holiday traditionally celebrated the day following Christmas Day, when servants and tradesmen would receive gifts, known as a “Christmas box”, from their bosses or employers,[1] in the United Kingdom, Barbados, Canada, Hong Kong, Australia, Bermuda, New Zealand, Kenya, South Africa, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica and other former British colonies. Today, Boxing Day is the public holiday that generally takes place on 26 December.
In South Africa, Boxing Day was renamed Day of Goodwill in 1994. In the Roman Catholic Church’s liturgical calendar, the day is dedicated to St. Stephen, so is known as St. Stephen’s Day to Catholics, and to the population generally in Italy, Ireland, Finland, and Alsace and Moselle in France. It is also known as both St. Stephen’s Day and the Day of the Wren or Wren’s Day in Ireland. In some European countries, most notably Germany, Poland, Belgium, the Netherlands and those in Scandinavia, 26 December is celebrated as the Second Christmas Day.
Now for most of us, it’s the day everything you bought a few days ago, cost less than half of what you paid for it. Retailers slash their prices hoping to make up for whatever shortfall in sales they had during the weeks that led up to Christmas. Lots of good deals are to be had for sure, if you have the energy to brave the crowds.
Yesterday was a really nice day. We made it to Denver around 11am and after quickly washing the car, arrived at Grandma’s. Shelly wasn’t there and apparently had been waiting on a cab for 2 hours. I finally offered to go get her and much to my surprise, she was only 5 minutes away! So 10 minutes later, with her in tow, we were at Grandma’s. Â We all opened presents and visited and soon Tom and Ali left. Lori, I and the boys hung out for another hour or so before heading up the hill. The drive was fine until we came through the tunnel and hit the blowing and swirling snow. You could barely see. As soon as we started to drive up Vail Pass though, it was like some biblical event as the clouds parted and the sun and blue sky beamed down on us. 20 minutes later we were home with Mojo and the boys went straight to playing with their loot. Lori and I cleaned up and then sat down to relax and reflect upon the day. We couldn’t reach Grandma Dixie as she must be out of cell range. We also didn’t talk to Annette so we’ll be calling you both today. Hope all’s well and that you enjoyed the day. Rest up as New Year’s is right around the corner! God Bless.