Starting to come together

The house, mostly thanks to Lori, is starting to come together. We all lifted, moved, threw out and in general, cleaned, but it was Lori that decided what went where. Throw in a fantastic meal she cooked while organizing and that was our day. I managed to get the truck washed and most of the stuff cleaned out of it and put away.

Today we’re turning over a new leaf here, especially me. No more getting upset over the little things and a lot more playtime and fun. We’ve all been working way too hard the past 6 months with all the changes in our lives so from this point on, we’re going to be a family that has a lot more fun. Of course we still need to get our work done, at school and our jobs, but we also need to relax and go with the flow and just do whatever suits us for a while. It should be fun. I think today we’re going to play in the snow (it’s snowing now), try to go cut our Christmas tree and maybe get in some skiing. If we don’t get to do all three, we’ll do what we can. Here’s a couple photos of our dinner and a few our our mess, clothes on the couch and a packed garage. We still have work to do but we’ll get through it. It feels like a Sunday or even a Monday, not a Saturday so we have a little extra time. Guess that’s it, time to run, hope you all are well, take care and God Bless.20151127_173330_resized20151127_173339_resized20151127_173950_resized20151127_173355_resized

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