I woke up at 4:15, made some coffee, read the paper and headed off to the gym. After stopping at the grocery store to pick up some donuts ( a rare treat) for the boys, I arrived home at 6am. It’s spitting a fine mist outside and foggy, a nice cool morning. Everyone is still sleeping including the dogs.
The boys and I ran a few errands yesterday and then the oldest had a play date at 2:30 and the youngest at 3:30. Mom arrived home a half hour early at 2:30 as it was slow at the store. She’s now off until next Wednesday. We all ended up home by a little after 6pm and grilled up some hamburgers for dinner. The boys must have found some sugar somewhere during the afternoon as they both had a hard time going to sleep. It seems they get more energy the closer it is to bedtime.
Today Mom will have her hands full with laundry but first she gets her hair done at 9am. We’ll leave tomorrow morning for the ranch in Saratoga Wyoming. You can click on this link to see where we’ll be, here’s a link, www.brushcreekranch.com/lodging/logcabin.php. You can also click, www.brushcreekranch.com/index.php , for the main page.
If that won’t work, just copy and paste in your browser to see the ranch. Right now it’s on the page that shows the cabins. You can also then look around by selecting various links at the top of the page.
As I said earlier, we might need to post Saturday’s post on Sunday as we’ll have limited computer access. Hope no one goes into withdrawls.
Today I have several calls in the morning and I probably shouldn’t have bought the boys donuts with Mom being gone, but as I said earlier, it’s a rare treat. I took them both to the western store yesterday as they have both grown out of their cowboy boots. In their sizes, boots cost about $45 a pair which isn’t too bad until you realize they need a new pair each year. The younger one picked out black as he has before while the oldest selected brown, also the same as he had before. We’ll need to dig out their jeans and also get some groceries. I think we’re in a cabin away from the main lodge, which we prefer, and it has it’s own kitchen and all the comforts of home, except thankfully a TV! Last time there, we had no TV, video games or even music and no one missed any of them at all. That’s what’s so great about the place, tons of outdoor activities to keep everyone busy all day long.
It’s almost 6:45 and I’m giving you all a break on politics today as I’m trying to block it all out. I almost forgot, the boys and I picked up our Colt 45 revolver yesterday after it arrived from Texas via UPS, to my local gun shop. It sure is pretty and both boys are excited to shoot it. Like an old indian chief would say, “good trade”. I need to see if down the road I can come up with another one as the boys are already arguing over who will inherit it. I needed to remind them I’m not planning on going anywhere anytime soon, knock on wood! The youngest one often asks me if I’m going to be an old man when he grows up to which I always reply, of course not. You can see a sense of relief on his face as he doesn’t want Mom or I to grow old. That’s why I keep going to the gym!
Anyhow time to run, I need to get Mom up soon for her hair appointment and take a shower to get ready for the day. Hope all of you are doing well and have a great weekend planned. Take care and God Bless,
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