90 degrees and Football

Today it’ll be in the 90’s, no doubt about it, even the weather man can’t screw this one up. The oldest has his final football game of the Spring season today and should they win they will have completed the season undefeated. Then in a couple of weeks, the Summer season begins.

Yesterday of course the day was consumed with the big birthday bash. It was a great party and I’m sure L.O.L. enjoyed it very much. The misses worked so hard and although I know she wasn’t doing it for any praise or credit, I don’t think she was recognized enough for her efforts. She doesn’t care but I do. Oh well, I guess it really doesn’t matter all that much. The food was great and yes there was enough. The next door neighbors to L.O.L. manned the bar complete with blender and booze and all the mixes to make Mojito’s and Chi Chi’s which were tropical type drinks. L.O.L. keep praising and thanking the woman who lives next door for doing everything while the neighbor kept saying she didn’t do anything and it was all the misses! You can’t really get mad at 90 year old L.O.L. as I’m sure she didn’t mean anything by it but it was almost comical as she kept praising this woman over and over, at least a half a dozen times during the party and didn’t once mention my wife. Oh well, like I said, the misses didn’t do it for credit.

The youngest left 10 minutes after the party started and went to his friends and the oldest and I stayed for a couple hours. We then came home and Mom followed an hour later after cleaning up. Everyone was tired and after a quick bite of dinner it was 8pm and time for bed. The misses and I didn’t sleep very well until about 2am when we finally took the little one into his bed. Prior to that he was in our bed, sprawled out sideways as usual, kicking us both every five minutes. He and Mom are both still sleeping while the oldest and I are up.

Grandma showed up and sure looked nice. She sat with our neighbors across the street who we all grew up with and I think they had a good chat. Jimmy, who’s the boyfriend of the neighbor girl who’s my age across the street, got bit by Bunkie as he went over to tell L.O.L. happy birthday, man that little dog moves quick and his tiny teeth are sharp as nails.  Uncle T and Aunt B also showed up and stayed for a few hours too. Other than that, lots of old people we didn’t know but I’m sure L.O.L. had a great time.

We’re going to go to the pool, time permitting, after the game today. The boys wanted to go yesterday but we ran out of time. I have the sprinklers going right now and the dreaded cotton is starting to fall from our cottonwood trees. When in full bloom it looks like it’s snowing outside. We’re hoping it’s not a bad year.

Well it wouldn’t be a good post without a bit of political opinion, so here’s a couple quotes from history to ponder,

“A free people ought to be armed.”
(President George Washington, Jan 14 1790, Boston Independent Chronicle.)

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.”
(William Pitt, Nov. 18, 1783)

If you think about these two statements, they really are true and it seems today we need to pay attention more than ever. It seems that the government is trying to control every aspect of our lives. How funny that about 225 years earlier, a founder of our nation would predict that people would use the excuse of it being “necessary” to infringe on our rights. I’m sure they would roll over in their graves if they knew that our lawmakers were regulating things like what kind of food restaurants can serve or any of the other over reaching laws on the books. Don’t even get me started on gun control, we’ll save that for another day, BUT the day the government takes away the peoples guns is the day the country will die. Ok, enough, I know.

So back to the nice 90 degree day ahead of us. Time to make a little breakfast and then head to the gym. I’d better wake the misses soon so we can all get going. It’d be a good day to bbq, maybe I’ll grab a chicken out of the freezer and see if I can get it defrosted by this afternoon, remember we still have no microwave! It’s kind of changed our life, mostly when needing to heat up leftovers but otherwise, not so much. After this weeks report about cell phones and microwaves causing cancer, we’re probably better off. I’m sure the government will soon regulate these too is the name of necessity!

Enjoy your day and give us a call to say hi, God Bless

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