After I made it home and with my Mom’s help, I made some home made chicken soup last night that turned out pretty good. The only thing was I used too much rice and it sucked up all my liquid. I had to add a bunch of water but that was fine. Ty said it was really good but next time I could should use less rice and leave out all the veggies. In other words, he’d be fine with just chicken broth and chicken and a little bit of rice.
Meanwhile Lori was at a deposition from 6 to 8 last night with an attorney from Denver who came up to depose Dr. C on a case. He did tell the Doc what a great Practice Manager (meaning Lori) he had which really was nice. We joke that Lori is almost like a doctor and I guess now almost like a lawyer too!
We need to get to school early today as Ty has something going on from 8 to 8:15. Yesterday Jag’s soccer coach walked up and said what a great game he had last week. I told him that Jag told me that he said that and he appreciated it. He then said, “well, I let the boys know when they don’t have a good game, so I make sure that when they do, I let them know then too”!
Looks like some weather is coming in this weekend, hope it’s dry at the Bronco game. I did get my car tuned up and the tires rotated. I still have some work to do to get her (my truck is a woman!) ready for winter but it’s coming along. I might need brakes and tires for Lori’s car but am hoping not. Like I say, it never stops! I also might need to rip out my driveway and pour new concrete to help sell our house but will probably just have to sit tight as I think it’s too much money which isn’t in the budget. Oh well, we’ll keep praying, take care and God Bless.