One thing at a time

Another day, another list of things to do. The way to tackle a large problem is to break it down into a bunch of little problems and then tackle them one at a time. Then before you know it, the small victories add up and soon, the big problem isn’t so big anymore. That’s kind of how it is around here. If we think back two months ago and look at all we’ve accomplished, we’ve done a lot! Anyhow we’re not done yet so time to stay after it, one small task at a time.

I’d like to make another run to Vail this morning but we’ll see. If not, I’ll at least be making a few trips to the storage unit. Meanwhile Lori is working her butt off. She made it to work by 8am yesterday morning and didn’t leave until after 6. Dr. R is lucky she’s such a good employee as lots of people just check out once they have a new job, but not Lori. If everyone, or even half the people in the Country had her work ethic, we wouldn’t be in the mess we’re in.

The boys had a good day and then I dropped them at church around 3. Vinny called and when I said they were at camp, he said to his Mom, “Mom, you forgot to sign me up!”. I told Tracey to just take him over as it starts at 5 and they’d gladly let him join. He and she were both thrilled and when I picked up the boys, Vinny said he had a blast and would be back today. It’s really good for the kids to build a good foundation with God while they’re young.

That’s about it, hope you all are doing well, soon it will be fall and then winter so get ready, God Bless.

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