Down the hill

This morning at 10 we’ll head down the hill to Denver. Aleks and Jure have a flight to New York at 5 and Kristin to Portland at 7. Alberto will stay until tomorrow morning when he fly’s out to Italy at 10:30am.

Yesterday was another good day with us finishing with a dinner around 10pm. Most of our group went out to a party on Red Mountain but we came back to the Ranch. My leg is better in the morning but still swells up after being on it all day. Kim, my doctor friend, called in a stronger antibiotic yesterday and said she’s sure I have an infection in my muscle from something that bit me. By the time we made it to bed I heard a clanging sound outside and instantly knew it was a bear in the trash cans. Sure enough, I was right. And of course this morning there’s trash strew all over the dirt driveway by the old barn. You don’t dare try to scare him away, once he’s (or she’s) in the trash, you just let them finish. We made sure we went down and shut the sliding glass doors as bears will come right into the house.

I could write more but will end here for the day. Oh yea, it’s Fathers Day too, whoo hoo, not that it means much more than having a title but I’m thankful for my family, that’s good enough for me. By the way, it’s called St. Guiseppe’s Day in Italy but is on another day.

p.s. Alberto and Jure both have new Stetson cowboy hats from our friends store which is the best cowboy store in town. I think Alberto also bought a mammoth tooth bracelet and hand made pocket knife that are really really nice. He’s now all decked out to head back to Italy in style. They all love Colorado, of course, who wouldn’t!

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