It’ll be a bit cloudy today but we have sun in the forecast for the foreseeable future, yea! This is also good news for those in the mid west as if we get sun (and no rain) they get sun and no tornados. Most if not all of the bad storms intensify as they come over the rockies and hit the warm air from the plains. By the time they get to Kansas, Oklahoma and other mid west states, they’ve gathered up so much strength that they become very dangerous. Yesterday after watching the news seeing the new round of storms in Oklahoma, I told the misses to call her mother as Aunt Myrna lives outside of Oklahoma City. Thankfully she’s ok and told Grandma Dixie she just went to her “hidee hole”. The misses says that when her husband built their house, her reinforced it with extra concrete and rebar. I’m sure glad we don’t live there! Grandma Dixie (from Oklahoma as you all know) says the most surreal thing is that after a tornado, none of the trees have any bark left on them. Anyhow, everyone needs to say a prayer for these people as many have lost loved ones or their homes and all of their belongings.
It’s almost summer! You see it officially kicks off around here as soon as the kids are out of school which is really this Friday. They do go for a half day next Tuesday but nothing gets done. Actually little gets done this entire week, lots of fun and games and just killing time. This summer we’re making a point of exploring our great state. We’re planning on heading down to the Durango and Telluride area which is very beautiful with lots of history. Not to mention that Ralph Lauren, Tom Cruise, Oprah and others all have ranches and homes there! It’s not easy to get to as it’s about a 7 hour drive to this part of the state. I think I can do it in just over 5 hours but the oldest one yesterday suggested we leave at 3 in the morning so he could sleep and we could arrive by mid morning. This way, according to him, he won’t waste a whole day in the car! Yesterday I suggested Grandma go with us but I think she thinks if she accepts the invitation, she’ll have to pay for everything! I told her she could leave her credit cards at home and then she laughed saying she wouldn’t feel safe without them. In all seriousness, I think she’d rather just stay home with Popcorn (her little Bijon) but we’re going to try to convince her to join us anyhow. She’s coming for dinner tonight so we’ll talk more then. (you see the misses and I need a babysitter to go with us so we can hit the town and leave the kids, and who better than Grandma!)
Lacey our lab has had her tooth extraction postponed until Friday. It seems they scheduled us for the operation today but the doctor had the day off. We had already started giving her the prescribed antibiotics and arranged to take her in and pick her up but now this all needs to be moved back two days.
We need to find a little extra cash and get to the store to buy the oldest one some new clothes. He’s grown out of just about everything he owns but this has turned into a treasure trove for the little one. He’s thrilled to get all his brothers hand me downs and covets some of the special shirts very much. I don’t remember getting any hand me downs as I was the oldest. Anyhow we have to get him some new duds, shirts, shorts and jeans, as he’s over 5 feet tall now. In fact both boys have grown a lot. It’s hard to see it when you see them everyday but those of you out of town would sure be surprised at how much they’ve grown, even in the past month!
Mom and the little one just came down and Mojo is climbing the window outside howling for his mother who he thinks is Mom. This is a daily ritual played out between him and her. I just made her get off the couch and go console him so he’ll stop whimpering. This dance is played out every morning culminating with doggie hugs and him coming in to join the family. Problem is as soon as he comes in, he usually wants right back out. I think he just wants to know he has the freedom or power to do and go wherever he wants. He usually snatches a kids toy or some socks and heads to the door trying to escape hoping no one will notice what he has in his mouth.
Well that’s all I got, as they say. It’s now 6:30 and time to start thinking about the day. There’s a pizza party at school today and favorite book day as well. Post a comment and let us know how you’re doing or better yet, what you’re doing this summer. Life is short, get out there and do something before time passes you by and you regret it.
Take care and God Bless,
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