Did anyone see the Colorado sky last night? It was about 8:30 and I was on my way home from work to make my way to L.O.L’s to administer Bunkie’s shot.  I couldn’t believe how truly amazing the night sky was. The clouds looked like Michael Angelo had reached out of the heavens and painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel right here in Colorado. The background of the sky was a silver blue, the clouds were soft and fluffy colored with indigo on the bottoms that faded upward to a steel grey mixed with lavender and topped  off with a  thin stripe of rose….words can not describe how beautiful the night sky was.
After I went to work the “guys” had a great day together. Â Dad took them to Boulder to the Farmers Market for veggies, multi colored popcorn, and of course a homemade blueberry pie.
The next stop for the boys was an Antique shop that carries old Navajo jewelry, rugs and pottery, a minor history lesson on Native Americans and the beautiful art they created. Then it was time for lunch, so the crew came in to buy hot dogs and buns for a picnic in the front yard.
The kiddos played outside after they returned home…from 1:00 to 8:00 with only a small break….10 minutes or so…then it was time for “Movie Night” with Dad. Â The feature film was Gulliver’s Travels with Jack Black…and from what I understand it was quite funny.
Durring the kids playtime outside our oldest stuck up for one of the younger neighbors…you see another neighbor boy that is also 9 was picking on the 7 and 4 year olds…shooting them with nerf guns, throwing hard balls at the youngsters and just all around being mean. Our oldest told him to stop a few times and finally got right in his face and said, ” Hey, it’s not okay to pick on kids that are younger than you and you may not shoot girls, especially little girls ever”. His dad and I are quite proud of his sense of fairness and of course his grammar.
Anyway, tons of fun was had by all and they were quite wiped out when I got home. Our youngest…the usual early bird is still asleep and it’s almost 2 hours past his usual wake up time.
Today is the first flag football playoff game for our oldest, I am sad to be missing it and hope to be off next Sunday to watch the second playoff game. I guess he was throwing beautiful spirals in the front yard yesterday…I am sad to have missed that as well, but we need the extra $$ right now and I did make all of the field trips…hurray. I’ll have the mister film the game for me.
I am off to give the shot and then home to make breakfast and head out to work. Have a great day..
God Bless