Today is our 15th anniversary. I was lucky enough to meet and marry the love of my life, Lori, 15 years ago today in Scottsdale Arizona. If you think about it, we’ve done a lot in 15 years! I think we’ll just hang out at home tonight and skip the dinner thing as well as buying each other any kind of gifts. In any case, it’s a day to celebrate as the best years of my life have been the last 15! Love you honey!
Now onto the day. Have you ever had an old computer that you needed to dispose of but didn’t know how? Well yesterday we had three that needed to go away. The problem here is that all the information on your computer is virtually “on there” forever. In case you don’t know, simply deleting something doesn’t really “delete” it. That’s why Hillary won’t turn over the infamous email server she used when she was supposed to use govt email. Anyhow to eliminate all of our information, forever, to prevent things from falling into the wrong hands, we had to go through an extensive process yesterday to finally throw out our old computers.
First up you have to dismantle the computer itself. This is easier with a desk top than a laptop but in both cases, it can be done. You just start removing the layers and layers of screws taking everything that you can apart. Your main goal here is to find your hard drive. If you don’t know what a hard drive looks like, well, that’s a problem. Once you find the hard drives (that stores all information ever put on the computer), you need to extract it and then figure out a way to destroy it. There are different options here but we opted for a sledge hammer to break it apart and destroy the actual disc. This isn’t as easy as it sounds as it took Jagger and I a good 30 minutes and a lot of muscle outside to finally smash the smithereens out of the 3 drives. I had to really hit it hard, multiple times before I could pull out the shinny sliver disc that’s inside and then destroy that as well. I’m sure some geek somewhere could probably even salvage that but it would take a whole lot of work. So after all that, we put all the parts in several trash bags (we split stuff up) and will now dispose of them. There you have it, hopefully we did a good enough job.
As for the rest of the day, Ty went to Vinny’s and spent the night, Lori and I ran to the grocery store and Lowes and earlier in the day and she also took the kids to the movies.
Today is Lori’s last day off as tomorrow she’s back to work. I have a big event in Ft Collins tomorrow too so the boys will be hanging out alone for part of the day. I think today we’re going to try to pick out the paint and carpet for the basement. Jagger finished cleaning his room and I have to say, did a really good job. Now all we need is Ty to follow suit.
That’s about it, time to hit the gym. Hope all’s well, God Bless.
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