Rain, Hail and Wind

Yesterday was quite the weather day. We had hard rain that turned to hard hail, some wind and a bunch of flooding around the neighborhood. It started right when the kids got out of school at 12:15. I was standing outside waiting for them at 12:10 and by the time the bell rang at 12:15, we had to run for the truck. When we got home it was coming down so hard that we all got soaked trying to move some plants (the ones in containers) closer to the house. Then the hail started, and it kept going for a good 30 minutes. After the hail we had about a 15 minute break and then the rain was back. I had to grab a shovel and go dig some trenches to divert the water away from the house. There was so much water the ground couldn’t soak it up anymore. Finally this morning it’s dry, however it’s supposed to start up again around noon. This whole system is supposed to move out by Saturday. They say this is the wettest May on record and I think we’ve had about 5 or 6 inches so far. Oh well, at least things should grow when it all stops.

The boys did their homework and then watched a movie while I worked. Mom arrived home from her Open House around 2pm. It was a pretty good afternoon and evening with not a lot going on. I woke up early today and made breakfast for Mom and the boys. The littlest one and I picked up some cinnamon rolls yesterday at the store so I threw those in the oven around 6:30 while I made some “flat white eggs” and set the table. Our microwave finally bit the dust. It was starting to go on by itself and we were afraid it might blow up or something. Then it just quit altogether and lost all power. Funny as it’s only been one night and a morning, but we really had become dependent on it. We’ve all gone to it at least 2 or 3 times only to remember, it’s gone. How would we do with no power if we can’t get along without a little microwave, probably not too well.

Mom’s off to the vet for shots with both dogs and I’m waiting for the Door Company to get here as they’re installing a new deadbolt and fixing the weather stripping from when they put in our new backdoor a few months ago. Then I need to run to the distributor to meet with the General Manager and pick up some samples. Tonight is the World Premier of the youngest ones first grade play. I think we need to be there at 6 to get a good seat and it starts at 7. Then tomorrow is the oldest ones field trip which is “A Day in Denver”. The kids are all split up into small groups and paired up with parents and they have a guide book “guiding” them through all the historical places in downtown Denver. The bus leaves about 9:45am and returns to school around 2pm. I hope it doesn’t rain as Mom and I are leading a group. I also volunteered to be one of two emergency contacts meaning I drive our car and stage it and one end of town and then if anyone gets sick or hurt, they call my cell (if there closest to me) and I drive them back to the school. Hope no one gets ill so I don’t have to leave in the middle of the day.

Uncle T has a lot of work going on down at his house. I can see new sod going in but am not sure of what else he’s doing. Whatever it is I’m sure it’ll be nice.

Yesterday I had my annual physical (hadn’t been for 2 years this time) and thankfully I’m in great shape with no problems. You never really know how you’re really doing until you get the results of your blood tests that show all the numbers of what’s going on inside your body. Looks like I’m good to go for another year. Everyone out there needs to make sure you stay up on your check ups. Better to go in regularly than wait until something gets so bad you have to go in.

Well time to go, I have to finish up early today for the big play so I need to get moving. Hope everyone is doing well and that you all have a great day.

God Bless,

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