9 out of 10 and 50 out of 50

That’s right, the littlest one got 9 out of 10 on his spelling lest (he forgot to put the “e” on there) and the oldest got 50 out of 50 on his timed math test (and had a minute to spare) and proudly proclaimed, “and I didn’t even have to study”. We’re going to have to step both boys work up this summer. When they were Principals for a Day, the oldest was in on a 5th grade class and was getting all the math problems correct. The kids were asking him, “dude, how old are you?”. Now when I was a kid, I was in 1st grade for about 6 weeks before they moved me up to 2nd, as apparently I wasn’t challenged enough (who knew I was so smart, huh?), and when you’re not challenged, you tend to get bored and distracted in school. This summer we’re having “home school” for the first hour of each morning, five days a week. They have a program called Bridge Books, which we need to pick up for both boys. The main reason for doing this is at this age, is they can lose what they learned throughout the year over the 3 month break, without studying. In our case, I think we’ll get each boy a level above where they are supposed to be so they’re challenged and have a leg up when they return to school in late August. Don’t want anyone regressing as we’ve worked too hard to get where we are today.

It’ll be 70 today with rain late in the afternoon. It’s real green here and the grass is loving it. It almost looks like California. The big dog woke us (actually woke the misses who woke me) at 2am as he was chasing something outside. I had to go down, bribe him with some food, and bring him inside for the remainder of the night. This never bodes well for a good night sleep. Today I have a couple of conference calls in the morning, first with Illinois and then with California. I think it’s time to raise prices again (I just did this April 1st) as the Euro and expenses, and the market in general is too unpredictable. I need to stay ahead of the curve.

Both boys just finished eggs, toast and strawberry smoothies for breakfast and are headed to the front yard to play la crosse. Last night they negotiated the purchase of a real la crosse racket, 2 smaller ones and a real la crosse ball from the teenage neighbor for $10. It was their money so I let them go ahead with the purchase. Besides they were hell bent on getting rackets and it would have cost me upwards of $50 at the store. You see la crosse seems to be the new game of the day. They love throwing the ball back and forth and have created a couple of goals in the front yard. Mom’s not too thrilled as they keep running through her flowers! At least it’s something that gets them exercise rather than some Chinese plastic toy that’ll be in the trash within weeks if not days. The house is also full of rollie pollies as the youngest is collecting them for some class project.

The Mister was called to work, so I am taking over….

The boys and I had fun turning over rocks to find potato bugs…aka…rollie pollie bugs yesterday.  We collected 8 bugs…they need 20 for the first grade class to study.  Don’t worry, it’s a catch and release program…no bugs will be harmed. I had to cut the boys off at 8, so other children can bring bugs in as well.

The boys are already outside this morning…6:45 a.m. playing catch with the prized La Crosse sticks and a tennis ball.  I can see them from the front window and boy are the enjoying themselves!

Dad has calls and meetings this morning and I am finally going to suck it up and spring clean…again.  I am giving myself until noon cleaning our house and then going to work cleaning June’s from noon until 2:00p.m. I’m sure I’ll have dish pan hands at the end of the day.

I am taking a quick run for myself this morning and then throwing the ball for the dogs.  I took them on my last run and it was not so much fun.  You see they both wanted to stop and sniff things in opposite directions and I was lucky to get home with both of my arms still in the sockets. Thus, today I will run on my own and toss the ball for the critters.  Time permitting after school maybe the boys and I can take the dogs for a walk or up to everyone’s favorite place….Grandma’s.

Our youngest has his first grade performance Thursday at 6:30p.m. Grandmas, Uncles, Aunts and friends are all welcome to attend.  It is a first grade performance and it is his first performance at school.  All the kids are singing, so it should be quite entertaining.

I’m off to start my day…wish me luck..it is so hard to get motivated to clean when I feel like I am literally drowning in clutter and dog hair…one or two more cups of coffee and a run may do the trick.

Enjoy your day..God bless…



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