Day at the Zoo

Today our youngest has his field trip to the zoo. Mom managed to switch shifts with another girl at work so she’ll be going to the zoo from 9 until 2 and then to work from 3 until 9:30 pm, sounds like a long day. Yesterday was really windy here but warm. I guess there’s a lot of fire danger in the mountains, hope nothing bad happens. Today is supposed to be fairly warm with rain and maybe snow coming in tomorrow.

It’s Mom’s first day back at work and she’s not looking forward to it. Last night was game night and the 4 of us played the game of “Life”. Before that the boys played basketball outside. L.O.L. was in the hospital all day as she had problems with her oxygen. This is the second time in the past month and both times she had vodka drinks with the next door neighbors the night before, hmmmm. Finally the misses told her last night that if she’s going to have a drink now and then, she needs to drink wine, not vodka! L.O.L thanked her saying she didn’t put the two together, drinking the night before and then having trouble the next day breathing. So with her in the hospital for tests all day, (they of course found nothing wrong) Bunkie was up at our house for most of the day. On top of all this, the night before (when L.O.L. had drinks at the neighbors), the neighbor lady said she’d give Bunkie his shot. Well it turns out that she bought the wrong size syringes and gave the little dog a triple dose of insulin which could have killed him! After my wife found out, she called the vet who said to skip the morning shot and wait until the night. The misses also had to go buy the correct size syringes. How’s that for drama yesterday!

I just took a break to run the oldest to school for him to take his recorder (a kind of flute instrument) test but the teacher wasn’t there yet. So we’ll wait for 5 or 10 minutes and I’ll load both boys up and head out again. (Mom’s showering getting ready to go to the zoo.)

We have soccer tonight and I think (hope) this is the last week. I have a feeling we have one more week for both boys to make up for missed games due to snow. Hopefully I’m wrong!

Not much else going on except the daily grind (try to pay bills, etc. boring stuff) and making sure the kids get some good exercise. I’m not sure what we’ll do for dinner but I’ll need to find something as it’s too expensive to go out.

Gotta run as it’s time to try to get the boys back to school early for his music test.

Have a great day and God Bless,

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