At 6:30pm this evening Jagger has his first music concert of the year. Thankfully it’s at his school and not on a night when the Bronco’s are playing which it was the past two years.
It was a nice fall day yesterday with a mix of warmth and crisp cool air. Today is more of the same but maybe a little bit warmer into the 70’s. Tomorrow it’ll be 82 they say. I have to run to Vail tomorrow so it’ll be a good day to travel.
Lori’s head was a bit better night last so she said but this morning her headache is back. I too have one so maybe it’s the heat in the house or something.
Last night was taco night here and everybody chowed down. The 49rs won last night and will play us next Sunday night. I hate those night games and now we have two in a row. The kids and Lori will stay home as you just get home too late.
Hope you all are well, remember to wash your hands and as a former physician, (I played one in college and sometimes here at home) you should also be taking extra vitamin C and D in the winter.
Take care and God Bless.