Today Mr Ty, who is one of the fastest kids in his grade, has a track meet at Jefferson County Stadium against kids from all over the state. It’s from 9am until 1pm. We don’t know when he races so we just have to show up and wait. I’m hoping once we get there we’ll know when his events are. I just can’t stay all day and Lori will have to run over for an event or two around lunch.
Yesterday Ty went to Vinny’s after school until about 5:30. The kids rooms, miraculously, are still clean. It’s 6:19 now and Lori, Jagger and I are up. Yesterday she tried to call her dad but he couldn’t hear her. I guess the phone was on speaker as when she was yelling out “dad”, the guy in the bed next to him kept answering, this isn’t my phone. She then yelled for Bob and I think the guy kept answering still! Anyhow she finally had to hang up, she could hear him answering everyone else, the guy next to him and the nurse, but not her. Oh well, she’ll try again today.
Lori just stood up to go outside and get the paper for me (what a great wife) and she bent way over as she has a sciatic nerve that’s been killing her. I thanked her for giving me some fresh material for today’s post. My right foot was swollen all night and I could barely walk on it as I tried in vain to start Jagger’s motorcycle about 40 times yesterday and must have strained my foot. it felt last night like it was freakin broken! Hopefully it’ll be better today.
I think we’re losing our medical insurance December 1st as it is scheduled to go up 67% to $215,000 for the Company which we just don’t have. F_cking Obumer Care! Thanks a lot Mr President. Not sure what we’ll do personally or what our employees will do as we’ve always provided health insurance. We’ll try to get on with Lori’s works insurance if we can’t figure something out at our job but we’re trying to see what we can do now. Of course our family and one other at work whose wife has M.S., are the most expensive to insure due to all our medical issues. But thankfully we have, or had insurance. Hopefully we are all through with medical stuff. If anyone else in our family is going to get sick, they need to do it in the next 6 weeks!
Well that’s it people. There’s a full lunar eclipse tomorrow morning at 4:55am. Lucky for me I’m usually up at that time! Take care, wash your freakin hands often and God Bless.
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