Well Friday was a blur, it started fast and before we knew it, it was over! Ty was home one more day but seemed to be doing better by the evening. My sales meeting went well and Lori was busy busy at work. Jagger had a good day at school as usual and that was about it.
Today we’re getting the front door painted and maybe going for a hike. We’ll see how Ty is feeling after he gets up. Hopefully he’ll be better. We kept him home because of that virus that’s sweeping the Country and the docs don’t know how to stop it. Turns out two adults died from it at Lutheran Hospital which is like 2 miles from us where both boys were born! Good golly miss molly, not cool. Wash your hands often and use soap and water. (Apparently the hand sanitizer doesn’t work as well as good old soap and water.)
How’s everybody else doing? We heard from Annette and Eleanor but that’s about it. I stopped in to see my Mom who’s doing fine. Hope Bob is doing well along with the rest of you. Winter’s coming on quick, I think it’ll snow before the end of the month. Not sure what the forecast is for California but did hear you all outlawed plastic bags! Also understand that when this was done in San Francisco, 6 adults died from germs on the cloth bags because they never got cleaned and harbor germs longer. Being so politically correct is going to be the end of us if we keep this crap up. I’m starting to drift so I’ll sign off now. Think we’ll run to Costco for some stuff. Take care and God Bless and wash your hands!
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