Stuck in the office

Yup, that’s where I was all day long, stuck in the office, preparing for my upcoming meeting. I designed so many Power Point Presentations that I lost track of how many I finished. I have one more to do tomorrow and then I should be done. Next up will be a series of index cards with my notes to go along with each slide. This should be a fun week but I’ll be glad when it’s over.

Lori’s day wasn’t much better. It seems if she’s even gone one day, things go south. I won’t go into all the details but lots of drama at her work. At least in my job, everyone acts like an adult, ha ha.

The boys had a great day at school once again. They’re pretty well adjusted kids. My Mom is also doing well meaning her leg infection and her eye surgery. Today I have lots to do so time to run, hope all’s well, take care, Keep Your Powder Dry* and God Bless.

*This means to ensure that you are ready for action or for a crisis. In the age of muskets, soldiers kept little bags of gunpowder to use in loading their guns. If the powder got wet by falling into a river or being exposed to rain, then the soldier couldn’t fight because their gun wouldn’t work. When someone tells you to “keep your powder dry”, they mean to make sure that you’re not going to come up short in a crisis because you haven’t taken care of business ahead of time.

Words of wisdom people, now get it together!

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