Back to California

Today Lori is off again to California to see her dad. Before I drop her off though, I need to run Peggy, (our friend from Aspen) out to the airport at 5:30 this morning. She came down yesterday and is going to her house in Belize (where we went for Spring Break) to redecorate. She has 6 large duffle bags that each weigh about 50 pounds. She hopes they weigh no more than that as they’ll charge her $150 for each bad that does! From loading them into the car, I think she’d better have her credit card ready. So two trips to the airport for me today and then back there on Sunday to pick up Lori.

I went to Special Persons Day as Ty’s special person and we had lots of fun. There were lots of parents and some grandma’s and grandpa’s there. It lasted about 40 minutes and then I was back to work. Lori arrived home around 5:30 and we cooked up a quick dinner for us and Peggy.

I’ll try to give you all a break from the not so nice stuff going on in the World, but I fear that it’s only going to get worse. So just humor me and keep an eye out. The big worry now is that these crazies are going to try to bring the fight here, to America. It also helps to carry yourself like you know what you’re doing and know where you’re going. Criminals, no matter if they’re domestic or foreign, always look for the weak or easy targets. Don’t live in fear but also don’t live in denial.

That’s about it, we’ll talk tomorrow and hopefully we’ll have some good news regarding Bob. We know he’s not going to get better but if he’s comfortable and if they could find his hearing aid, that would be a step in the right direction.

Hope you all are well, take care, be strong and God Bless.

p.s. I think we’ll start a new series tomorrow called, “What did you do to prepare today?” So be thinking about what YOU can do to prepare for whatever, God Bless

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