
September 11th is of course the anniversary of the 2001 Al Qaeda attacks on the U.S. , but it is also the anniversary of the Benghazi Embassy attacks, in 2012. Please remember the sacrifice of J. Christopher Stevenson, Sean Smith, and CIA (former Navy SEAL) agents Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty. Between them, Woods and Dohery reportedly dropped at least 60 of the attackers, before their position was overwhelmed. Please also remember the spineless worms in Washington, D.C. who decided to not back up the embassy staff when they were in dire need of help. Eventually, they will pay for that. Time wounds all heels. And no that’s not a typo!

Annette just returned from Seattle and Alaska where she had a good time but now has a cold. Welcome to the club. We here are having “the cold” work its way through each of us round and round. What I mean is that by the time one of us is getting better, bam, it’s circled back around and re-infected that person again! t’s been here so long that we’re thinking of naming it! Today it’s both Lori and me.

Last night Lori worked hard on dance decorations. Earlier in the day the boys wrapped up their homework and I ordered them up a pizza. Ty is playing the flute and Jagger has been not only elected to Student Council but was also elected as either VP or President for next year! Turns out it looks like he’s actually going to be the President of Student Council for his school. The current President is ‘grooming’ him (their words) now, which apparently they do so when he’s in 8th grade, he’s ready. We’re very proud of him.

Hope you all enjoyed the post yesterday. Lot’s going on, pray that cooler heads will prevail in this World, although I don’t have much faith in people in power these days. My opening paragraph pretty much says it all so I won’t go into the significance of the day as I think we all remember. Throughout history, man in general, especially those in power, has never been one to put aside all personal pursuits and do what’s in the best interest of humanity. Someday, hopefully before it’s too late, someone will.

That’s it for me. I don’t want to take away from the day by rambling. We hope you all are happy and well and can take a moment to give thanks for what you have. Take care, God Bless.

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