I did! The Bronco’s won but it was closer than it should have been, although they say Indianapolis will probably be in the AFC Championship game with us. Andrew Luck (Indy’s qb) is also my fantasy football quarterback so he’s a good one. In the end though, a win is a win, 31-24 Denver! By the way, our cornerback who had two interceptions when interviewed after the game, first said, “I got to thank God” and then the last thing he said when the interview came to a close was “God Bless you” to the NBC reporter. Guess he understands the importance of the day!
Earlier in the day jag and I went to the grocery store and then he had a baseball game and played well. He might turn into a pretty darn good pitcher if we get him some instruction. A coach who was helping out on our team (as his kids playing fall ball with us) said after warming up with Jagger, that he has a chance to play not only high school, but college ball, and then who knows. Jag doesn’t much care though, he just wants to hit.
Bob fell last night at 3am going to the bathroom and I guess cut up his arm a bit and hurt his leg. He also lost his hearing aid which they eventually found. Lori will be going back out in a couple of weeks and Dixie of course, who’s Mother Teresa reincarnated, has been helping out a lot.
Lori has been working relentlessly on decorations for the school dance and also found time to make a couple of gallons of homemade salsa to freeze with our fresh Colorado tomato’s and cooked up some great meatloaf, mashed potato’s and gravy for dinner. She says she’s not ready for another work week yet but we’re both back at it today.
Ty helped Mom around the house and then both boys roasted hot dogs over the fire we made in the front yard after the baseball game. That was about it, we all spelt in to 7:30 which is some kind of record. Hope everyone has a great week, take care and yes, God Bless.
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