Moving Day

This morning Bob is moving from the hospital to a new home. I guess it’s an assisted living center that’s pretty darn nice about 5 minutes away from Dixie. This is great news and all thanks to Lori. Today she worked her butt off with the case manager and medicare of California and a completed a bunch of other things I don’t even know about, to get Bob accepted into a place where he’ll be looked after and treated well. Hopefully the drive over will be smooth and then she can get him settled. I think Eleanor is coming over Sunday so she will bring some of his clothes. Hopefully Lori will get some rest tonight and then feel better tomorrow when she’ll fly home. One funny story, I was talking to her as she came out of the hospital in a rush to go to the bank to get a copy of Bob’s bank statement for Medicade when she said, “oh my gosh, someone stole my rental car”! Turns out, thankfully, it was in another row or something but for a moment, she thought it was gone. That would have been the icing on the cake after all we’ve been through lately!

Meanwhile back at the ranch, Ty is off camping at the lake with Vinny until Sunday and Jag and I are headed to Vail today for a quick trip. We just decided to get out of town for the day. It rained again yesterday, hard. This has to be the wettest summer on record. Tomorrow I have another fantasy football draft for my second league, wish me luck. I’ll need to cut it short as Lori gets in around 5pm. We’re hoping to win the lottery tonight and will keep you posted.

No comments from yesterday, well, that’s ok. I just hope that inside you think about what’s important in your life, as there are no do-overs! God Bless!

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