Yesterday was a roller coaster. It seems everything going on in our lives was turned upside down. Several big things from my work to various business deals were right, then wrong, on, then off, then on again. I still haven’t worked it all out but hope to have a clear picture of all by the end of today.
My day started with the misses accidentally picking up my cell phone when she went to work. After driving myself crazy and retracing my steps all morning long, I found it in her pocket at work. I drove everywhere from the bank to the store, the gas station and the car wash and any other place I had been between 7 and 11am. I even drove to her work and searched the car she drove thinking I might have left it in there. I called it numerous times (I usually find it in the kids bed this way) but couldn’t get an answer. So, it was in my wife’s pocket at work but she couldn’t answer. I was home on and off and I guess she called but we seemed to just always miss each other. Later in the day there were two messages from her and my mother both telling me she had my cell phone. That helped! Anyhow I finally thought to go into her work to see if she had it. This was my last resort as I thought if she had it, even if she was busy, with me calling it several times, she would have picked up for 2 seconds to say, “I have your phone!”. I walked into her work and she said “I have your phone” while checking out customers. I politely said thank you and my life was back in order.
Next I was off to my bank to try to get them to cash my monthly draw so I could put it into my personal account to cover my $2600 in property taxes that I had to mail on Saturday the 30th. (that was the deadline before a penalty kicked in) Unfortunately the 30th fell on a weekend and I get paid on the 1st which caused some timing issues. Anyhow the bank, even though they love me, couldn’t cash my check as it was made out to my business. Anyhow they said they’d watch for my draw coming through in the morning but didn’t think it would. I went to bed crossing my fingers that this wouldn’t come through. Well here we are Tuesday morning and wouldn’t you know it, I’m overdrawn by $2100! arrggghhh! The misses had made 5 little charges at work ranging from $1.60 to $5 which will now cost me $39 each in overdraft charges! These along with the property taxes means $225 in charges which frankly just stinks. I’m headed to the bank in an hour to try to work this out. Oh well, just another day,
Next up was a business deal I have been working on for quite some time. It was a pretty big deal (in the millions) that fell apart due to one of the participants inability to understand what is fair and what isn’t. In short, he tried to change the deal at the last minute and will end up walking away from $3 million in cash! I tried to save the deal this morning but just got off the phone and the other party feels that he was playing fair while the other party tried to take advantage of him so I don’t see this coming back together. This is very disappointing as it would have virtually gotten us totally out of debt and changed our life! I guess God has different plans for us. Oh well, just another day,
Next up this morning is finding about a $500,000 discrepancy in April’s sales report. It has to be there somewhere as all previous reports show the revenue but I need to work it out. Hopefully I’m not way off in my head math, I’m pretty good with numbers so I doubt it, just need to find it. Hopefully this won’t take the whole day to reconcile.
By this time I needed to rush to get the boys from school. We headed home for snacks and homework. The youngest bounced back from the previous week with 10 out of 10 on his spelling test while the oldest was at the top of his class as usual. They’re both so smart, you just need to keep them focused. As an example, the youngest has already mastered his spelling words for this Friday’s exam and he only just received them yesterday. It was soon dinner time and I had nothing (or any energy) to cook. So we loaded up the car and went to AliBaba restaurant for some Gyro’s. Both boys love the meat and the rice. It was 7:45 when Mom arrived home from a long tired day at work. She’s super excited for 7 days off, and she deserves it.
It’s sunny today and I’m running the sprinklers now as it will be 80 degrees by weeks end. Mom’s headed to our friends spa for a complimentary massage and manicure for her birthday. I’ve got my hands full with work and need to run as the bank opens in 30 minutes.
So after up’s and down’s and high’s and low’s, it’s just another day. We need to just be thankful to be alive and be healthy and have a great family with a roof over our heads. Hopefully something, just one thing, will turn around and go in our favor. We need a victory, even if a small one, just to keep our hopes up. Life shouldn’t always be so difficult. I’m ok, it’s the misses that doesn’t do well with the up’s and down’s. (sorry honey!) Something good will happen (I keep telling her) as long as she has a positive attitude. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, getting down doesn’t do any good at all, you just have to keep plugging away.
So, God bless you all, until tomorrow (I think I’ll let the misses write tomorrow since she has so much free time now)
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