Call us crazy but we just feel better in the mountains. There’s something about the fresh air or climate or less pollution or we don’t know what, but we just feel physically better in the mountains. Ever since we came home last week, Lori and I both have just felt blah, like we have no energy and are even dizzy at times. It has to be allergies or something to do with the stagnant air in the city that’s pushed up against the mountains. This has been the wettest summer in a long, long time which probably also has something to do with it. Normally, our grass is brown by now but it’s as green as St. Patrick’s Day. For a while we thought it was our house but then have talked to other people who feel the same way, just out of sorts with no energy and blasé.
Now to the day. I was off to Ft. Collins at 8:30 for my first appointment at 9:45. After that I had another at 11:15 and then 6 buyers for lunch at 12:30. I left by 2 and was home by 3. Then we rushed to put some of Jagger’s school supplies in his locker at Manning and took Mojo to the vet. You see Mojo hasn’t been feeling well or eating since the day before yesterday, so this morning I called the vet to get him in. Turns out he has guiardia which is a bacterial infection that people usually pick up from unclean water or traveling overseas. The vet said they’ve seen lots of it this year, and have a number of dogs in with it right now and recommended that he stay for a couple of nights on an IV and other medication. He also said that he’d have bad diarrhea so that was enough for me, I said ok. The doctor will also try to fix his back where he lost some fur due to the groomer not rinsing him enough or something. Poor guy, but at least he’s in good hands. He’ll hopefully come home Saturday afternoon. Can’t wait for that bill!
We made it out of town by 6:49pm last night and today I have a lunch in Aspen at 12:30 with 8 buyers. Sales are good and you have to make it when you can so I do what I have to do. Lori and the boys will do something while I’m working and then we’ll go to dinner with Greg and Billie and probably Diane as we’re staying at their house. They’re very generous and kind to us.
That’s it for today as I need to stop for a couple of appointments at a couple of stores before the big lunch. Maybe we’ll go to Cache Cache for dinner, I love that place. Have a great weekend, take care and God Bless.
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