Ok, check this out,

Here’s two, that’s right, two comments from yesterday, yea!

  1. robi says:

    Grandma Dix, if you don’t know this eat cherries, they help with gout.

  2. Annette says:

    Unsweetened cherry juice also helps and is less expensive than cherries. No red meat . I agree with you Doug but look at history. It takes the U.S. having their back to the wall before we pull together.

    Who knew we’d have to talk about gout to get two comments? I’m not even sure what gout is but you can bet your last dollar, the democrats gave it to us! In fact, now that I think about it, maybe gout is just a democrat thing. Just kidding Dixie, hope you’re feeling better. I knew about the cherry thing but forgot. I hear it even works better if you mix the cherry juice with vodka!

    Now onto more serious things. Here I am trying to keep the finances in line and last night, I found out we need a new bed AND new couch now! After a careful scientific study, we’ve deduced that Lori’s headache is due to first, our crappy bed, and second, our crappy couch. Now I’ll be lucky if I can get out of this one for less than $2K! beds and couches are not cheap. Oh well, we’ll see why we can come up with tomorrow.

    Yesterday I boxed up a dozen or so cases of wine and ran it down to Fed Ex. Today I need to box up a dozen more and deliver it to some accounts around town and then next week, I’ll hit the road to the mountains to get those folks their samples too. The boys are going to Vinny’s birthday party at 2pm and will be staying until 10am Saturday morning. Lori and I are going to Elways tonight for dinner to see Adam, the wine director, and try to get our new chardonnay on the list. Hopefully she won’t have a headache!

    Time to run, hope you all are well, God Bless and take care.


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