Is everybody out of town?

Ok, here’s a comment from Annette,

Annette says:

I would like to be living on the coast somewhere. I would like to be able to see you all more often.

Thanks for sharing, I don’t know if we can find you a place on the coast but we’d love to have you come visit! We’re also trying to plan a trip to Cali sometime this summer when we can stay a bit longer. I think you’ve said the “live on the coast” thing before. Aren’t there places up north that are less expensive or is the entire broke state of California over priced. Anyhow thanks for sharing, now what about the rest of you, are you all out of town?

Last night we had a big meal featuring all the things we never eat anymore. We had great cheese, champagne, some vegan cake and steak and shrimp. This will shock our system back into burning fat. My knee has been killing me for a few days, not sure what I did to it, hopefully nothing permanent.

Let’s see, what’s going on elsewhere, the stock market tanked, an earthquake in Nicaragua, a 16 year old who was bullied went on a stabbing spree, the gov sending in helicopters and snipers and over 100 armed guys to confront a 68 year old Nevada rancher for grazing his cows on land his family has been grazing on for 130 years, beef and food prices are soaring, and our Mayor taking an exploratory trip to Amsterdam to see how they sell their legal pot. Maybe prostitution will soon be legal here too!

Not much else, kids are doing well, Lori’s working her little butt off and so am I. We have 4 baseball games over the next 3 days, weather permitting, (supposed to get snow Sunday) and Ty has the State D.I. Championships tomorrow.

Hope everyone is well, take care and God Bless.

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