A humidifier, dishwasher and the pool

In our quest to pay down our medical and tax bills, we’ve put a moratorium on just about every purchase outside of the daily necessities like gas and food. We figured out that the reason we both have periodic headaches is because our humidifier broke 4 months or so ago. Throw in our dishwasher that doesn’t really wash dishes anymore and the annual pool dues that must be paid by April 15th if we’re joining this year, and we or I, am in a little bit of a pickle. I just love these little challenges that pop up on a daily basis as it keeps me on my toes. Stay tuned to see how I handle this one!

Today it is supposed to be 77 degrees! We’ve been waiting for this day for a long, long time as we’re all ready for summer around here. I was talking with a friend yesterday who  said we’d better be careful what we wish for as a really hot summer is never enjoyable. You can always warm up but sometimes it’s hard to cool off!

Jagger had his honors language arts and math tests yesterday from 3:30 until 5:30 at The Manning School. He thinks he did pretty well. I can’t imagine and hour and a half of algebra testing in 6th grade. In fact I don’t remember even learning algebra until high school and have long since forgot it.

Today Ty has D.I. and Jag has baseball so it’ll be a busy afternoon.

I forgot to post happy birthday for Grandma Dixie’s birthday yesterday. I tried calling her a bunch during the day but she must have been on with all her fiends all day as the phone was always busy. She sure has lots of friends. Finally she called us around dinner time, hope she had a great day!

Time to run, lots to do, hope everyone is well, God Bless.

p.s. I asked the misses if she wanted to drive the Porsche to work today to which she said, you bet, so she’ll be whipping around town looking even hotter than usual which is hard to do! Michael our friend called the other day and said to please drive the thing to keep it warmed up. It’s actually just been sitting in our garage gathering dust for a month as the weather hasn’t been too good. Hope she has fun!

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