Alright, after both of us working all day, we decided we are ready to head back to the beach! Both Lori and I have headaches so I think it must be from the wind and some sort of allergies. The boys were off yesterday but are back to school today. They were pretty well behaved considering I had to leave them alone for most of the day while I was on the phone. We did all run down to the DOW (Department of Wildlife) to submit our hunting tag applications.
Jagger needs to start selling first aid kits for his baseball fundraiser so all of you should expect a call and get ready to send a check. They have kits as cheap as $15 or so and all the way up to $100!
I think the swelling in our bodies from all the sun has pretty much gone away. I’m back down to 219. I should make it to my goal of 205 within a couple of weeks. We sure feel a lot better when we eat clean meaning no gluten, dairy (except eggs), sugar and most carbs. It sucks the inflammation right out of your body which is terrible for you and the root cause of most diseases.
I think I’m in Boulder today and Ft Collins tomorrow. Mojo is in on his bed and happy everyone is home. Hope everyone is well, take care and God Bless.