Most schools are closed today due to the snow but ours is open. Ty is thrilled as he has a big party at school and his teacher Mr. Tharp, who has been gone all month on maternity leave, is coming in and bringing his new little daughter to meet the class. He comes back full time Tuesday (Lori said the boys are off this coming Monday, don’t know why?) for good.
Yesterday was sort of a blur. I do so much every day I loose track of all I do! I did make it to the grocery store, went up and visited my Mom with my friend Jon Newmark from Seattle who flew down to watch the game in Denver, cleaned the house a bit before the house cleaners showed up and was on the computer a bunch. Throw in taking and picking up the kids and an extra trip to school to bring Ty some forgotten papers and that was it.
Lori was tired, so tired she spent the day on the couch or in bed. She needs to build her strength back up as she is really weak. Thankfully she is getting stronger by the minute. I grilled her up a steak last night and made sure she had some sushi and chicken for lunch. I’m trying to get foods with iron into her to help produce more blood faster!
Mojo is laying at our feet and I think now realizes Lacey is not coming back. He’s been looking around and wondering the past few days, you can just tell. He will be ok, just like all of us, but still miss Lacey very much.
Today is my Mom’s birthday, Happy Birthday Mom! I think we’re all going up for some cake but that’s about it. She said she didn’t want to go to dinner or anything. She looks great for her young age of 81 and is getting on just fine. Hope I’m doing as well as she when I’m that old!
Time to run, hope everyone is well, it’s February 1st tomorrow, wow, take care and God Bless.
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