Cold and windy

Well we won but boy was it cold and windy. It didn’t bother me but Lori, Aime and Ty were all cold. I guess I was jumping up and down too much. We held the Chargers to 79 total yards until the start of the 4th quarter when we had a few guys go out with injuries but still won 24 to 17. The 49’rs also won so everyone is happy. If I was a betting man I should have put some money down as I picked Seattle, New England, San Francisco and Denver as the four winners on Friday and they all came through. This of course sets up Peyton Manning against Tom Brady but it’ll really come down to our defense against theirs. Of course this doesn’t make good tv though so all we’ll hear all week is about the two quarterbacks.

We made it home by 6:30 or so and then had some chili to warm up. Jag spent the day with Tom and Ali and had a good time but did have a soda which he regretted when he got home. He really doesn’t drink pop because of the sugar but it’s hard when someone is offering it to you. Meanwhile Ty went to D.I. and then Ben’s but didn’t have much fun.

It’s now 5:47 and I have a bunch of work to do so time to run. Hope all’s well and God Bless you all and God Bless the Denver Broncos!

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