Soccer and Sun

It’s supposed to be close to 70 degrees today which will be nice as we have soccer games at 10:30 and 1:30. We watched the 3rd Narnia movie last night from the famous author C.S. Lewis. If you have never read Mere Christianity, you should check it out.

This is only the second Saturday Mom has had off work (the first was last week for the b-day bash) since she started working. It’s great to have her home. The oldest brought a friend home from school yesterday for some play time. He normally walks home so we first drove to where his Mom worked (a local thrift store) and checked to see if it was ok. He lives in a small apartment with his Mom, brother and grandmother. His dad lives in Montana and is a Blackfoot indian. He was a very nice, well mannered boy. All three boys had a good time playing basketball and joining Mom and the dogs up at Grandma’s to run around in the pasture while she threw the ball for the dogs. Mojo the malamute can literally jump an 8 foot fence! Uncle T came up to massage him and said he has a sensitive spot near his tail ( the dog, not Uncle T), but he (the dog) didn’t flinch at all when we rubbed and massaged it as hard as we could trying to get a reaction. Maybe he’s just not used to Uncle T. Anyhow thanks for the doggie massage.

Mom’s off the give the little dog his morning shot. I don’t know how she does it morning and night everyday. L.O.L. has an infection on her forearm where she had a shot and we might need to take her to the doctor this morning for some antibiotics. I haven’t seen it but apparently it’s a large red circle around the site of the injection.

Easter is a week from tomorrow, sure is late this year. I think we’re having brunch here for everyone after we go to church. Uncle T is going to AZ Monday am to drive Mom home on Wednesday or Thursday next week. I’m supposed to take him to the airport but now have a meeting in Vail at 9:30am, meaning I need to leave Denver at 8. (if you’re reading this Uncle T, I’ll need to take you at 6:15ish if you still need me to drive you) His flight is around 9am so not sure if he’ll want to get there 2 hours early. Personally I’d rather sleep but I’ll drive him if he needs me to.

No politics today as my mother in law told the misses “I’m preaching to the choir” or something like that yesterday and everyone already knows all the things I’m writing, so you all get a break today. With politics off the table, I’m pretty much through for the day.

(Trump in 2012!), ha ha

Have a great weekend and enjoy the day as when it’s gone, it’s gone.

God bless,

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