It’s snowing in the mountains and the cold weather is headed this way. Not sure when it’ll arrive but temps will be dropping. I have a wine tasting today from 1 until 4 but I’ll probably wrap up by 3 or so. Here’s a comment from yesterday,
Annette says:
You can still see the Liberty Bell because it is behind glass you just can’t get closs to it. Independence Hall is fenced off by metal gates with guards so you can’t even look through the windows. Our tour guide knew the Franklin Library (paid for by donations) has an orginal copy of the Declaration of Independence and a signed copy of how much everyone paid to start the library. G.Washington and John Adams each donated $100, a lot of money in those days. It was sad to see what our government started out as and what it has become today. We had a wonderful tour guide (does work for the History channel) that showed us a lot of things you don’t see on a big tour. Very expensive but well worth it.
Glad you had a good time, I think I’m missing some comments from some of you as I see then on my work email but they don’t always show up here. If so, sorry, I think I saw one from Grandma Eleanor.
More name calling in Washington, mostly by the Pres. His approval rating is at an all time low of 37%. In my opinion, it should be much lower! It’s all comical.
Not a whole lot else going on so guess I’ll go. Hope you all are well, as they used to say years ago, keep your powder dry! Take care and God Bless.