Good morning

Hope everyone’s weekend is going well. We’ve been busy as usual. After some work around the house and two trips downtown in the morning, we headed out to the youngest guys lacrosse game where he played well. Meanwhile Jag was at Jens. After the game, the youngest went to his friends Scotts house until around 7pm when he and Scott then came to our house for a sleep over. Jag came home about 4pm and went to the party with us downtown.

The party was fun, complete with a food truck specializing in Argentine food. It was a fun idea as there was no cooking or clean up. I don’t know what they charged our hosts but it was a pretty good idea.

We came home at 7, watched a little tv and then headed to bed. Lacey the lab was barking at 4:30 or so again this morning. I’m not sure what to do with her, I get up, feed Mojo and put her in the crate where she seems to be quiet. She doesn’t want or need to go out so she’s purely barking for food, which I won’t reward her with. One way or another, this is going to stop. We’ve even tried feeding her a little extra right before bed but that doesn’t seem to help. My next step will be getting her a crate of her own and having her sleep in that, maybe that’ll work. All I know is the family cannot be woken up every morning between 4:30 and 5am. We’ll keep you posted. She’s quiet now at 6am and still has not had breakfast.

Time to run as the boys want some cinnamon rolls for breakfast. The store doesn’t open for another 90 minutes so maybe I’ll get in some exercise. We have baseball today at 3 and football to watch before that and tomorrow night is the Raider game and Monday Night Football. We’re going with some friends, can’t wait.

Take care and God Bless.

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