Well I finally broke down and went to the chiropractor yesterday morning. 2 1/2 hours and $300 later I actually felt better. Apparently the X rays show my back and spine are fine (could have told them that w/out x rays and I did!) but the cushiony part between my bottom disk and tailbone is only 3 mm while all other are 10mm. What this all means is I have less room for error or “cushion” so when I move too harshly it can squeeze some of this soft material between the bones or pinch it and then the nerve causes me pain. Anyhow I’m back today and tomorrow for more adjustments trying to get better to get on a plane at the end of the week. We’d promised the boys all week that we’d take them to the movies so with Mom working, I ended up sitting in a movie theater for a few hours which didn’t help. After that we (the boys actually helped) cleaned the house and vacuumed (which didn’t help my back but I just can’t stand the mess) and then made dinner.
School starts today finally. It seems like the boys have been off for a month. I’m sure they will be glad to be back playing with their friends. Soccer practice is tonight and Mom’s working until 7:30.
Uncle T and Aunt B, after 4 days of 1o hour classes are now dog massagers. Not sure what this means, (I guess they massage dogs) but am very happy that they both did something together that they can now get up and look forward to each day. I think before they get their certificates they need to do a few case studies so looks like our dogs will be getting free massages, yeah! Aunt B will be working a couple days a week at the local doggie emporium and Uncle T the same baking dog biscuits if I understood them correctly. I’m glad Uncle T is getting out each day having something to do, it’ll be good for him.
I sure miss working out and am going on an all salad diet for the next few days so I can fit into some clothes for the weekend parties. I’m sooo tired of having a bad back, this is the worst it’s ever been. Mom’s making eggs and we’re trying to get the boys up. They have both turned into teenagers when it comes to sleeping in.
I had to fire an employee in Texas over the weekend which is never pleasant but was required. Don’t know how many of you have ever had to fire someone from a job but it’s not an enjoyable thing anyway you look at it. This creates extra work for me this month until I can fulfill the position as I now have to continue to manage the Country as a whole but also Texas on a local level. Both boys are awake snuggling on the couch trying to wake up. Lots of severe weather around the Country, hopefully everyone is safe. We feel blessed to live in Colorado as we really don’t get it as bad as other parts of the U.S.
Looks like 73 degrees today, here we go again, snow one day and sun the next. The weather here always keeps you guessing. Just for fun I’m adding an email I received the other day that some might find political but I just find American, hope you enjoy, here ya go!