Another windy day here in the rockies. It’s supposed to warm up into the 70’s starting tomorrow. That will be a nice break from the sunny yet cold weather. Hard to believe it’s the last day of March! Both boys have soccer today so we’ll need to split up the duties with one of us shuttling each kid to their respective practice. We finally picked up our car from the dealer last night about 5pm. Of course while fixing the brakes (we opted for only doing only the front as they were $325 by themselves), they also found we had a leaky water pump. Now these are $500 but luckily covered under our 5 year/100K mileage warranty. We did need to change the oil and add an air filter but did manage to get out under $500. So after splitting this up between my debit card and another credit card, we headed home for dinner. The boys headed right outside to play while we grilled up some burgers. We had some blue cheese burgers along with some “cowboy burgers”. Cowboy burgers are infused with jalapeno’s and some spices but this particular batch was too hot to even eat! Will be taking these back to the store today for sure.
I need to head to the Post Office today to begin the process of renewing my passport as I’m headed to Spain for a week in May. I keep putting this off but better get on it now. It’s almost 7am and although my back is almost all better, the wife’s is almost out! I’ll have to take the kids somewhere today to let her get some rest as she works the next 6 days in a row! I know she’s not looking forward to this at all but she’ll “cowboy up” and do it with gusto. We really haven’t done much with the kids this week as the end of the month is always hectic for me at work (need to get hundreds of thousands of purchase orders in) and the misses has been busy around the house and has her shaky back. She did play Monopoly with both boys yesterday which they really enjoy. They’ll probably both be real estate moguls when they grow up. (they’re both pretty ruthless landlords)
Mom and the little one just came down to join me on the couch. the oldest has taken to sleeping in, it’s hard to get him up these days. In fact everything about him is more like a 15 year old than a 9 year old. Lots of snow in the midwest and on the east coast again! We’re sure glad we live in Colorado as most of the Country has been hammered this year. The misses is itching to plant some flowers. I had to stop her from heading to Home Depot yesterday when we were picking up the car but will probably get some green stuff today. Hope bending over and planting doesn’t throw her back out all the way.
No politics or worldly opinions today as the wife has shut me down. I would only suggest that you all be aware of what’s going on not only in your backyard but in the World as it all does impact each of us in one way or another. That’s all. There’s a big article in today’s paper about the huge resurgence in backyard farms here in Denver. Apparently lots of people are raising chickens and growing gardens. (over 2000 in the last year up from less than 200 backyard farms in Denver proper alone!) I think we too will see if we can have a few chickens as the boys really want some. I think we’re zoned for them and 4 chickens produce 4 eggs a day. We already have a shed that can easily be turned into their “coop” so we’ll keep you posted. Lot of our friends at the kids school already have chickens, who knew! Like I said before, what we really need are some milk cows as our boys live on the stuff. Don’t worry though, you won’t be seeing any cows hanging out in our backyard anytime soon. (we’re putting those up at Grandma’s!)
Time to make some breakfast and get the day going, lots to do again. Hope all’s well with everyone and have a great day.
God bless you all,
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