Happy Birthday To Aunt Blondie

Good morning….Happy Birthday Auntie B!

We slept in a little to try to catch up on much needed sleep.  The youngest climbed in bed with us, and since his last growth spurt the Mr. and I had absolutely no room and our rest was interrupted multiple times. We will have to go back to walking him back to his room when he has a bad dream instead of just scooting over.

We got all of the laundry washed, dried and folded yesterday..today will be spent trying to put the laundry away.

The Mr. and I have to build more than 60 shipping boxes, fill them with wine, print up labels and have them ready for pick up tomorrow or Tuesday.  That task will put a crimp in our Sunday afternoon fun.

The youngest would like to have a friend come over to play today..imagine that.  His friend called about an hour after we arrived home yesterday to ask if the youngest could come over to play and the youngest’s answer was a definite, “yes.”  The youngest’s friend had been out of town for 2 weeks and we were in Aspen when he returned, so the kiddos were super excited to play together.

The dogs are really happy we are home.  Lacey acts like a 2 year old every time we enter a room and Mojo has his big head lying on top of my left hand so I can scratch his chin and rub his front paw. Typing with one hand is really challenging.  Mojo is making a valiant attempt to climb up on my lap…he has no idea of his actual size….ugg.

Time to make breakfast…the youngest is hungry and the big dog is now using both paws trying to pull my left hand back to him for affection.

Have a great day…God Bless


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