I’m happy to announce that Aunt Blondie’s name was drawn this morning as the Grand Prize winner out of those of you that have submitted comments. Her prize is an extremely rare bottle of Bohae Black Raspberry Wine! This remarkable wine is from Seoul Korea and I’m sure will be a bottle savored at some upcoming holiday such as Thanksgiving or Christmas. It is rumored that it will even cure warts if applied directly to the skin. Congratulations to Aunt B!
Now to more serious matters, the boys decided they wanted to sleep downstairs last night as they had been waiting for days to watch a particular movie that started at 9pm. We don’t know how much they watched before falling asleep but I was awaken by a thud about 5am when the youngest fell off the couch in his sleep. Being awake now I took the oldest up to his bed and the whole family is still asleep at 7am. The misses has a dermatologist appointment at 11am this morning and I have a few errands to run for work. My back is almost totally cured and will hopefully be 100% by tomorrow.
I missed the Presidents address about Libya last night (I don’t really trust or believe much he says as most of you know) but it looks like we’re now involved in 3 wars! God help us and the World as things seem to be spinning out of control. I can’t remember when so many bad things were happening all at the same time. We cannot afford to be the World’s policeman. We have too many issues of our own here at home. Sorry for the drift into politics but the Middle East is rapidly falling apart. What’s next, Yemen, Syria? People there too are being shot, killed and persecuted by their governments as well. Are we going to go there as well? Where does it all stop. We can only hope and pray for peaceful resolutions to all the conflicts going on.
Back home in our little corner of the World, it looks like a nice day. Time to get out the garden hose and water the trees and flowers as it’s pretty dry here. The misses and I are going on a crash diet to get ready to go to her Mom’s 80th birthday party in about 10 days. Hard to believe it’s almost April, summer will be here before we know it. Time for me to get moving as I have a lot to do this morning. One of our cars needs brakes ($400 of course), so we’ll need to skip some other bill to get this done. Just another day here. Hope everyone is doing well, keep your spirits up and enjoy the day.
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