March 27th

Ok, it looks like we now have 3 comments entered into our contest which ends today. Mom (my Mom), Aunt Blondie and Aunt Robi are all qualified for the Grand Prize to be announced tomorrow. My Mom tried to get out of me just what the Grand Prize was but I am keeping it a secret. It’s not too late to enter, just go to the bottom of the post and click on leave a reply, fill in your name and email address and then click on “post reply”.

Yesterday was a fun day for the boys and I. Mom arrived home from work about 5pm and I had dinner in the oven ready to go. We then settled in and tried to watch a movie (which we didn’t get 30 minutes into) while the boys went upstairs to watch their own movie. A few minutes later (as we told them to stay upstairs and not come down) we received a call on my cell phone requesting some drinks and snacks. (the boys used the home phone to call down to us) We decided to play along and let the boys pretend that we were room service and they were calling from their hotel room ordering up some movie snacks. Their first order was for 2 glasses of root beer milk (yes there is such a thing as root beer milk), 3 cookies each (we gave them two) and some popcorn. They were of course in heaven. The youngest who’s down here on the couch with me this morning just informed me that we’re having room service again today. I had to unfortunately tell him that room service isn’t open on Sundays.

My backs damn near all better but I did cough this morning which threw it back out a tad. Regardless I decided I’m through having a bad back so I’m just going to ignore it and get on with life. We went and bought some poster board yesterday and began cutting out pictures of things we want to put on our family collage that symbolize what we want in life. Visualization is the key here. We figure if we see our dreams everyday we have a better chance of making them happen. I of course cut out some pictures of a ranch house, some cows and horses while the youngest found some pictures of houses and horses as well. Mom getting home late, looked at various pictures of new homes and kitchens as well. We didn’t have many magazines to look through but will continue to find some more pictures today. The misses is upstairs getting ready for work as she traded shifts with another girl so she gets home around 5pm instead of 6:30. This of course means she goes in earlier, by 8 I think. She better get a move on as it’s 7:30 now! Here she comes now looking as pretty as the day I met her. (she’s actually better looking now but don’t tell her as we don’t want it going to her head!) She’s out the door to give the little dog down the street his morning insulin shot and will be back in a few minutes to make her lunch and head off to work.

The oldest just bounded down the stairs and has joined us on the couch. It looks nice outside but is supposed to get colder and even snow a bit tonight or tomorrow. I think I’ll get them out to a park early today and maybe take them to Bass Pro (sporting goods store extreme) which is more like a playground than a store. They like running through all the tents set up, shooting guns at the shooting gallery, looking at the fish in the giant aquarium and more.

I should clean the garage today but think I’ll let it sit for a few more days. Time to go as the boys need breakfast and I need to hit the shower. Have a good day and we’ll see you tomorrow.

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